Uraniums nutritional value?

How much calories is 1g of uranium?

How much calories is 1g of uranium?
Have you ever asked yourself how many Calories $1 g$ of uranium contains? Probably not but I will answer this question anyway! According to Google1 $1 kg$ of Uranium yields approximatly $22 700 000 kWh$ of Power, which breaks down to an average of $22 700 kWh$ per gramm uranium. To continue we first have to convert the $22 700 kWh$ to Joules. This is done by multiplying by $3.6 x 10^6 s$.

\[22 700kWh \cdot 3.6 \cdot 10^6s = 8.172 \cdot 10^10J\]

Furthermore $1 cal$ is equal to $ 4.184 J$. So we have to divide what we just calculated by $4.184 J$ to get from $Joules$ to $cal$.

\(\frac{22 700 kWh \cdot 3.6 \cdot 10^6s}{ 4.184 J} = 19 531 548 757.17 cal \approx 19 531 548.76 kcal\) This results in approximatly $19.5 Billion kcal$ for $1 g$ of uranium.

Expanding this calculation-nonsense even further, we could convert this number into cheeseburgers. For that we define the official cheeseburger-constant \(cbc\) which is defined by \(kcal \over burger\). The value is \(307 kcal\) 2.

\[{\frac{\frac{22 700kWh \cdot 3.6 \cdot 10^6s}{ 4.184J} \cdot {\frac{1}{1000}}}{ 307 kcal}} \approx 63 621 Cheeseburger\]

This results in $1g$ of uranium being of equal sustenance as $63 621$ cheeseburgers.

If you know rightfully ask yourself why anyone would calculate such nonsense: “You’ve apparently read it!”

  1. Calculating by mass would yield a different value. Used here: Justus Liebig Universität Giessen, „Vorlesung: MP-41 Teil 2: Physik exotischer Kerne, SS-2011“, Folie 30, Source 

  2. official values provided by McDonald’s : McDonalds